What is the privacy button on the Sifely - S Smart Lock (Blue Box version)?
Our latest version of the Sifely-S Smart Lock, which was released in 2023 (often referred to as the Blue Box Version), has a few design changes. One of the most obvious changes is the Privacy Button Switch that is found on the battery-side panel of the lock. This is known as the Privacy Lock Button.
As the name suggests, the Privacy Lock Button allows a lock owner to experience total privacy. It is like a Do-not-disturb feature that disables electronic entry methods that a lock owner would normally share with friends and relatives.
Here is how it works
When the Privacy Lock button is switched to Red (Lock position), you will hear the lock say, “Secure lock is ON.” Any generated/ created passcode, registered fingerprint, and fobs are all disabled when attempting to unlock the lock. During this time, the lock can only be opened by the physical key, tapping the big blue lock icon of the Main Admin's app, or entering the Admin Passcode. For more info, refer to this article on how to view the admin passcode. Admin Passcode
When the Privacy lock button is switched to Green (Unlock position), you will hear that lock say “Secure lock is OFF.” Any valid passcode, fingerprint, fob, authorized admin, or eKey, wireless keyfob can unlock this.
Important reminder:
- The Privacy lock switch button cannot physically lock the lock from the inside handle.
- This Privacy lock switch button will automatically be disabled or switch back to the Unlock position when exiting (turning the inside handle).
- During passage mode, the Privacy lock switch button can still be used.
If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please contact Sifely Customer Service via email or message us at Our CS team is available from Monday through Sunday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (PST/PDT)
1 comment
My privacy button comes on by itself and locks us out of our house. Help
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